Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Some queries the Steering Committee has been asking committees and individuals:

  • What is essential to the life of the community?
  • What is your current role? How does your work serve the community?
  • What in your current role is fulfilling? What gets in the way of really feeling fulfilled?
  • What resources might help you or your successors carry out this work successfully?
  • What might be set aside for a year to focus on something else that's either in your work or in University Friends Meeting?
  • Could some aspects of your work be performed more efficiently through a different structure?
  • How can University Friends Meeting more fully engage our community?
  • How can we encourage more people to participate in the work of University Friends Meeting, in communities, Monthly Meeting, and Quarterly and Yearly Meeting?
  • What elements should a meeting-wide retreat include?
  • Is there anything else that Year of Discernment Steering Committee should be thinking about?
We would like to hear from you if you have thoughts or ideas related to these queries.